How The Process Works
Tell us about your question – Quick, Easy & Free!
We will match you up with the best coach and class that meets your learning criteria, we’ll contact you to set up an appointment
We’ll meet with you in person or set up a phone call to explain what we have to offer. It’s free, no-obligation
We will send you a link to sign up or have you come and sit in one of our classes so you can experience how much fun they are.
Time-frame: Once we get your questions, we’re usually able to set you up with a class that meets your needs. From there, we can have you studying monologues or scripts within the first week… or on your schedule (sometimes we will have you sit in the class the same day we call or meet with you!).
Becoming an Actor Can Be A Fun And A Simple Process
SRS Performing Arts teaches acting classes in Utah in and around Salt Lake City (and other areas too!). We’re not an over night company… we’re actually want to see you succeed. Because if you succeed we succeed, we’re able to help you get acting jobs in Utah… or build your confidence so you will get them. Like we’ve mentioned, when you work with us it’s simple, fun, and a great environment … We are here to help you get the most out of your time. What this means to you is you don’t have to worry about paying for expensive classes, or lock in to a contract (you can take the classes each class by class and pay as you go).
Don’t worry about how much experience you have or don’t have. We’ll help you get you where you want to be… no matter how hard or easy it is… no matter the situation.